Sugar water vs. water plant growth.
Sugar Water vs. water plant growth! By: Sierra Peyton Hypothesis If the plant has sugar water, then
it should grow better/faster than just water because plants use photo-synthesis to create their food. (photo-synthesis uses the sun to make sugar for food.)
How fast the palnts grow. controled variables.
1-the window where the plant was placed.
2-Who planted the seeds.
3-Who recorded.
4-Who measured the palnts.
5-Person who gave the plants water + sugar water.
1- take a pot and fill it with dirt to the brim.
2- Dig a whole in your dirt, and place 1 seed inside and cover back up with dirt.
3- Water the seed with 8mm of water.
4- Fill your 2nd pot with dirt to the brim.
5- Dig a whole in the middle,and place another seed in it.
6_ Mix water and sugar to make sugar water. (4mm of water, 4mm of sugar)
7- Water your plant with 8mm of sugar water.
8- Put your pot by a window and water everyday for a week.
9- Measure the height of your plants daily for a week.
Record on a data table.
- (cm) 2 pots
- 2 plant seeds. (any kind)
- water
- (1cup) sugar.
- (1cup) dirt.
- 1/2 lb spoon. materials measuring tools.
- (tablespoon) ruler.
- (cm) window. paper +
- pencil. data table. someone to record.
Photosynthesis is turning light (solar) energy into sugar.
Solar energy is using the sun to create energy. Plants use the sun to make photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is used in plants and some algae. Most photosynthesis happens in the leave and
not the stem.
Photosynthesis is:
6CO2+6H2O (+light energy) --> C6H12+6O2
Light reaction- Converts light energy to chemical energy. Chlorolplasts use chlorophyll to create photosynthesis. Plants take in CO2 (carbon dioxide) and give off oxygen. Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight and uses the energy from Co2+water. Chlorophyll is the green coloration in leaves.
Qualitative Data
1- Plants were small and yellow looking.
2- The plants smelled like dirt.
3- Plants grew some.
4- Plants still smelled like dirt.
5- Plants started filling out.
6- Plants became more green.
7- Plants grew a couple cm.
8- Plants were very green.
9- Plants still smelled like dirt.
Analysis +
Interprtation of results During my procedure, some unusual things happened. The plants started to turn brown on the edges and didnt grow very fast. During the week, the plants werent growing very well in the winter. The sugar water plant grew taller (cm) overall. To using sugar water helps the plants grow faster because they are skipping the process. (making sugar) This also helps in the winter when there isnt much sun to make photosynthesis! One time during the week, accidently put sugar water in the water plant.
1- Gave the plants too much/too little water.
2- The dog knocked a plant over.
3- Gave the water plant sugar water, and the sugar water plant water.
4- Forgot to water the plants. Put the plant on a shelf! Use measuring tools.
To avoid these problems?!
The hypothesis:
The sugar water plant should grow better than the water plant because, plants use sugar to create photosynthesis.
(food) Sugar water is letting the plant skip that step. (the plant is 1 step ahead)
The hypothesis was correct. The sugar water plant overall grew 1.8215 cm taller than the water plant. Recommendations
_ Do this procedure during the summer.
- Test many different kinds of plants.
- Plant the plants outside.
- See how long each plant lives.
- See which plant grows better overall.
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